Enjoy a peaceful rest at the pension filled with the precious happiness of our family.

About Pension

Enjoy a peaceful rest at the pension filled with the precious happiness of our family.


Enjoy a peaceful rest at the pension filled with the precious happiness of our family.

[풀빌라/스파] 화이트

복층형/독채형/ 침대룸 거실 주방 화장실

[풀빌라/스파] 블랙

복층형/ 침대룸 거실 주방 화장실

[풀빌라/스파] 블루

독채형/복층형/ 침대룸 거실 주방 화장실

[스파/사우나] 핑크

복층형/ 침대룸 거실 주방 화장실

[노천탕/사우나] 카라반러브1

독채형/원룸형/ 침대룸 주방 화장실

[사우나] 카라반 러브2

독채형/원룸형/ 침대룸 주방 화장실

[노천탕/공용사우나] 카라반러브3

독채형/원룸형/ 침대룸 주방 화장실

Dingdongdaeng Pension Landscape

Enjoy a peaceful rest at the pension filled with the precious happiness of our family.

Special Preview

Enjoy a peaceful rest at the pension filled with the precious
happiness of our family.

  • 애견동반

  • 애견용품

  • 애견개별운동장

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